Mertex ERP update 7.6.3 is released to clients
From improved sales order processing to new system wide alerts, Mertex ERP users have received their quarterly update options
Here is a summary of the key updates within release 7.6.3 which was released in October 2023
• For Sales Ledger, a snapshot of the transactions is now taken when the sales ledger period end is run. This provides new options to run Aged Analysis reports retrospectively as at the end of closed periods. Modified screens are now available to run the Aged Analysis/Trial Balance reports.
• For Purchase Ledger, a snapshot of the transactions is now taken when the purchase ledger period end is run. This provides new options to run Aged Analysis reports retrospectively as at the end of closed periods. Modified screens are now available to run the Aged Analysis/Trial Balance reports.
• There has been an Auto Re-Order Screen Enhancement. A new field has been added to the selection criteria for the ‘Generate Purchase Orders’ screen, ‘Below Reorder Level?’.
• A new function key, F7-Product Maint, has been added to the ‘Generate Purchase Orders’ screen to allow the user to maintain some product information related to this screen.
Sales Order Processing modifications and additions
• The ability to split sales order line – Despatch available, stock has been added. On screen 1 of order entry parameters is a field, ‘Despatch Available Stock’. If this field is set to ‘Y’ then when an order line is being entered, if there is insufficient stock to fulfil the order quantity but there is some stock available the user will be offered the manual allocation screen to allow them to allocate some stock to the line.
• Commission overrides can now be set up for non-stock and sundry products.
• In order to prevent credit hold, a sales order with a location that is set as ‘immediate downdate of stock’ can’t be credit held. This allows the automatic despatch when the order is taken.
• Delivery Reconfirmations – Without PO Relinking Enabled. On screen one of order entry parameters is a field, ‘Use Overnight P/O Re-Linking?’. Previously, this was a Y/N field but now ‘R’ can be entered. This indicates that when delivery dates change on lines it should be recorded so that delivery reconfirmations can be sent using the ‘Recent Delivery Date Changes’.
• If linking to external DX haulier systems it is now possible to import the tracking number back into MERTEX as part of the confirmation routine.
• A new indicator has been added to the Dashboard. The number of lines on the picking list and the total number of lines for the same picking list group on the order is now shown on Print Picking List screen. This allows users to easily see if there are any un-released lines on the sales order for the picking list.
• Enhancements have been made to the stock transfer routine.
Previous validation that ensured either a supplier, quality, product or batch must be entered has been removed. This allows users to select all products in a particular rack.
The ‘Transfer To’ location can now be the same as the ‘Transfer From’ location. If this is the case then only a rack movement will take place for the selected stock.
A new field has been added to allow the users to leave the stock in the same rack when transferring to another location. A new tick box, ‘Leave in Current Rack?’ has been added to the screen.
Once the movement of stock has taken place the list of stock will be re-built using the same selection criteria.
As the routine can now be used to move stock to racks within the same location, as well as transfer to a different location, it has been renamed as ‘Move Stock’ on the menu.
• The ability to add a Priority Order Indicator to Cut Piece Label is now available. If a piece is cut and allocated to a priority order then the cut piece label will print a capital letter ‘P’.
• The sequence of a printed picking list can now be defined against the location record. The valid options are:
1 = Split by rack group, sorting by rack for same rack group
2 = by order lines entered onto sales order (i.e. in order line sequence)
3 = by product code sequence, sorting by line for same product code
4 = by rack, sorting by product for same rack
5 = by quality – the picking lists should be grouping all the quality together and printing them alphabetically
6 = Split by rack group, sorting by product code within the rack group.
This will also be reflected in the sequence of the lines in the Confirm Picking List routine.
• A new option to Sequence the cuts on the cutting bench has been added, this is available from the operator maintenance screens for cutting bench operators, allowing the relevant cutting bench operator to sequence the cuts against the cutting bench in the sequence they require.
Sequence options –
0 – Demand Added (Demand added to piece)
1 – Descending Cut Length (Largest Cuts satisfied first)
2 – Ascending Cut Length (Smallest Cuts satisfied first)
3 – Priority then demand added.
4 – Priority then Descending Cut Length
5 – Priority then Ascending Cut Length
Leaving the option blank will assume 0.
For our WEAVING clients
• There has been an enhancement to Latex Processing – Demands. Changes have been made for the weaving job to capture the demand for the products and quantities, based on the defaults, of the products to consume based on the gates against the products being produced.
• Changes made to the following despatch documents:
Certificate of Conformity, Test Certificate, and Flammability Test Report.
For our MADE TO MEASURE clients
• The number of lines on a process order has been added to the control desk screen for held orders.
Other Important updates
• Custom Data that is entered against customers, suppliers or products can now be displayed when a sales/purchase order is being entered.
• It is now possible to set an alert in order to be informed when invoices are generated. The tile will indicate who generated the invoices and how many were generated.
• An alert can now be set up to inform a user when orders are created on Mertex via EDI. The alert can be configured for all EDI orders or a particular EDI type.
• A new field has been added to the parameters for importing sales orders through EDI. This field is labelled ‘Import Duplicate Customer Order No?’. This is for where it’s known that duplicate files are sent.
If you are a Mertex ERP user and would like to implement any of these upgrades, please get in touch
A number of bug fixes were also included. If you are a current Mertex ERP user, contact us to get the full list.