Mertex ERP update release 7.6.2 summary
From new features in the Weaving module to additional financial reports, Mertex ERP users have received their quarterly update
Here is a summary of the key updates within release 7.6.2
•If there is more than one supplier on a payment run, a new icon has been added to the ‘Amend Base Payments’ and ‘Amend Foreign Currency Payments’ screens, allowing removal of an individual supplier from the payment run.
•A new set of Financial Reports have been introduced which can be accessed using the direct command /FREP (these reports are in addition to the existing P&L & Balance Sheet reports which can still be accessed using /PAL). New reports include Income Statement, Income Comparison & Trial Balance with new summarising options. ‘Year for Report’ also added to allow reports for past years to be run. Report Data is displayed in an HTML grid so can be sorted, searched and exported to Excel as per standard grid functionality.
•The Material Available Enquiry (/MA) now has a link to Make Details where applicable. If there are no ‘lower’ level of make details then the product code will not be highlighted with a ‘hyperlink’
•When creating a stock order for a kit, Mertex now prompts to order as a kit (similar to sales order entry). The Goods Receipt screen now prompts for the quantity of the kit being received, and appropriately adjusts the quantities being received for the kit components.
Sales Order Processing modifications and additions
• A modification has been made to the default for the invoice date on customer complaint lines. If the Mertex Sales Ledger is not used then an invoice date was not defaulted as it used the sales ledger transaction files to locate the invoice and default the document date. The default routine will now interrogate the Order Entry Invoice files to find a date if one cannot be found on the Sales Ledger transaction files.
• Document Text can now be entered against the Bank – previously only the first 2 lines of text would print on standard Mertex documents. This modification ensures ALL lines of text will now be displayed.
• Operator Maintenance Location Security – There are fields on the operator that can be used to restrict locations the users can view and enter in sales orders. Previously, the restrictions these fields provided were only available if branding was used as part of the system. This limitation has been removed and the location restrictions on the operator file are now applied whether branding is in use or not.
• New functionality has been introduced to allow the credit checking messages to be supressed in sales order entry.
A new ‘label’ will display if the order has been credit held on screens 1 and 2 of sales order entry/amend.
If a user is not set as a ‘Credit Controller’ in Operator Maintenance then access to the ‘Hold Order’ field on screen 3 of sales order entry/amend will be restricted.
• On the Piece History screen within Piece Enquiry (/PC) it is now possible to ‘click’ through the relevant Purchase/Process Order or Sales Order for the transaction line.
• The Piece Remeasure routine has been enhanced to allow a change of batch if the user is flagged to allow change of batch against a piece, accessed via operator parameters against the cutting bench operator setting.
• The Royal Mail haulier interface has been amended to allow entry of a Weight Data Value. If not populated, defaults to zero.
• On the cutting bench the reason code and text entered when overcutting a piece is now shown on the ‘Cut Pieces by Cutter’ enquiry (Warehouse – Cutting – Enquiry).
• For consolidated despatches the ‘Customer Order Number’ in the header of the delivery note will always read ‘See Below’. Each line will then have the customer’s order line reference printed.
• Functionality has been added to the stock transfer to allow the user to select only stock in a particular rack.
• A new Stock Balance Summary enquiry (/SBS) allows product code ‘range’ selection (formally /QB). This will allow a user to search by ‘parts’ of the product and show the different form code types, if the structure of the product codes are the main product code followed by the form code.
For our WEAVING clients
A new ‘Weaving User’ section has been introduced to the Operator Maintenance which includes 2 new parameters allowing the user to determine a Finished Cloth & Finished Sample Cloth Location for pieces to be moved to after finished inspection if required, if these are left blank standard inspection locations will be used.
Within Transfer Yarn To Weaving, the following routines now handle multiple batches:
• Weaving>Warping Jobs>Process>Transfer Warp Yarns to Warping
• Weaving>Warping Jobs>Process>Transfer Warp Yarns to Yarn Store
• Weaving>Weaving Jobs>Process>Transfer Weft to Weaving
• Weaving>Weaving Jobs>Process>Transfer Weft to Yarn Store
New fields have been added to the piece gate movement routine which will appear if the user is moving through a product consume gate.
These are consumed from batch and rack and will be used when products are being consumed through this gate, as long as there is sufficient available.
You can now create a warp job with Multiple lines, enquire on the warp job /WP, and use the F6 – Weave Job to enquire. Mertex ERP now prompts which job want to enquire on.
The following enhancements have been made to the Loomcard:
• Length of the warp & weft yarns extended to 32 characters (matches PRODDESC on STPRODMASTER).
• LOT number column has been removed.
• ‘Set’ renamed ‘Reed/Sett’ as per PCQUALITY screen.
• Shade No. Description now displays on the document.
And finally, Mertex will have a final inspection, checking the rack against the product and default (if populated), failing this it will fall back on the Finish Rack in weaving parameters.
Other Important updates
• Within the MADE TO MEASURE functionality, there are two new selections on the ‘Price Per’ option when amending MTM surcharges, ‘WR’ by Width Range and ‘DR’ by Drop Range.
• FOR REPORTING: a new report has been added to the Pre-Invoice details (Invoice Only) screen which includes additional details (at sales order line level) including REP & any potential despatch/invoice qty variances.
• For Sales Order Import, in the EDI parameters (ISO) Default Order Location has an additional option, ‘Use the EDI file location’. This will take the location code provided in the relevant EDI file and import it into Mertex when creating the order lines.
• In addition, a new MTM EDI interface for Britannia Rose is now available.
If you are a Mertex ERP user and would like to implement any of these upgrades, please get in touch
A number of bug fixes were also included. If you are a current Mertex ERP user, contact us to get the full list.