Mertex ERP v7.6.1 is released
As we strive to keep Mertex relevant for our customers’ shifting needs and changing technologies, we release improvement updates and bug fixes every quarter to keep Mertex up to date and to benefit users
Some of the specific Weaving enhancements include:
• In Piece Inspection, it now possible to add/allocate multiple batches for both warp & weft yarn products.
• A weaving order may need to be amended following the Loomcard being printed. Previously it was not possible to amend the weaving order, however this restriction has now been removed even when the weaving job is at the Loomcard Print Gate.
• A new ‘Incoming Stock Weaving Link %’ parameter has been added to the Weaving System Options. This controls whether weaving jobs for ‘STOCK’ can be linked to back ordered sales order line. If this is null or zero then no automatic linking of Weaving orders and back ordered sales order line will take place. However, if it is set then the system will attempt to link back ordered sales order lines to any weaving job for the same product and location.
More general items included in the new release include:
• Mertex Account switching – drop down menu
• Dashboard Display – New Favourites/Top 10
• Sales Order Comments – Load from Customer memo
• Quality Balance Enquiry – screen enhancements
• Cutting Bench – Auto process non-piece products
• When creating a user feed alert, a new parameter has been introduced to specifically notify based on the alert being triggered by another user.
• The Log To command previously used to switch between Mertex accounts has been enhanced and it is now possible to switch accounts using a drop-down menu.
• Users can now ‘pin’ menu options to their favourite’s menu. The favourites will appear above the Top 10 most used highlighted in blue. Favourites can be re-sequenced by moving options up/down & removed.
• If the system is setup to use the ‘Last Invoice Date’ credit checking rule, then the Last Invoice Date is now visible via the Customer Held Orders and Customer Credit History screens.
• New report types and summary options have been added to the existing /PAL (Profit & Loss Report) enquiry. Additional reports include; ‘Income Comparison’, ‘Income Statement’ and ‘Balance Sheet’.
• The VAT descriptions for boxes 8 & 9 have been updated to reflect the latest HMRC defined terminology.
• The G/L Account Enquiry (/GLE or /GLA) screen has been enhanced to make period selections easier/more visible – now a grid screen so the standard grid functions such as sorting by header, search filter or exporting to Excel now available.
• The deposit amount paid now displays on the Invoice Line Enquiry (/SI).
• The Discount %, Net Price, Line Value & Cost Value have been added to the Pre-Invoice Generation line enquiry screen, accessed via
• In Sales Order Entry, the F6-Load Cust Memo function key has been added to the picking list comments screen. If invoked, the customer memo is loaded into the sales order and from thereon printed on the picking lists for that order.
• When remeasuring a piece, the adjustment (up or down) value is now displayed on screen. This is to help reduce incorrect remeasures, due to typing errors.
• It is possible to have multiple selling companies associated with a product, previously only the first selling co. was visible via the /PB enquiry – this has been enhanced to list all selling companies present.
• If using the One Step Cut & Pack process for a Picking List Type cutting bench and combine both piece & non-piece level products (which do not require cut) on the same picklist. These are now automatically flagged as complete allowing the packing stage to be completed seamlessly.
• The supplier code and name have been added to the made-to-measure makings’ enquiry screen accessed using the curtain icon on the sales order enquiry.
If you are a Mertex ERP user and would like to implement any of these upgrades, please get in touch
A number of bug fixes were also included. If you are a current Mertex ERP user, contact us to get the full list.