The fourth 2022 release of Mertex (7.5.4) provides time savings and enhanced reporting
As we strive to keep Mertex relevant for our customers’ shifting needs and changing technologies, we release improvement updates and bug fixes every quarter to keep Mertex up to date and to benefit users
There have been several smaller system-wide enhancements and improvements, but there have been some more significant upgrades. Here is a run-down:
• A new custom data maintenance screen offers greater control for individual needs. The configuration screen includes where in the system the details are entered, what is valid input for the data element, whether the data element is mandatory, and on which documents the data should print
• A new routine has been created that allows users to set up certain alerts. The user will then be notified on a tile that the specified event has been triggered. This can enhance customer service if a customer is awaiting information.
Alerts that can be configured are:
• When an order/product has been despatched
• When payment is received
• When sales orders are entered for a particular customer, product or an order above a defined value
• When a G/L day end is run
• When any proforma order is entered
• When purchase/process orders are entered for a particular supplier, product, or of a value above a defined amount
• Within FINANCIALS, a parameter has been added to the Bank Maintenance @Group Supplier Payments’. When this is set to Y, a single posting is made from Automatic P/L Payments to the supplier cash book for the TOTAL. When set to N, each supplier payment is posted separately. In addition, when completing cash allocations, the user will now remain in the screen allowing the entry of another.
• Within PURCHASING & PROCESSING, when creating or amending a Purchase Order the user will now remain within the screen to allow for another entry, resulting in an entry time-saving. In addition, a function key F5-Search has been added to the piece allocation for the make products screen. The cursor will then move to the relevant piece if found on the screen
• Within STOCK CONTROL and WAREHOUSE new function keys have been added to the Cutting Bench pick list screen to allow entry of comments against Packing/Delivery Note & Invoice in order to aid information and order status for customers who may enquire. In addition, a new filter has been added to the /PB audit screen allowing the user to define if they wish to see Incoming, Outgoing, or All transactions which is better for reporting and information search time savings
• Two new parameters have been added within the WEAVING functionality. These are 1. ‘Allow Off Loom without Warp or Weft’ and 2. ‘Allow Off Loom if job closed’. Once a weaving job (piece) has been entered, the 2 new parameters are interrogated and action taken accordingly. This is within Weaving > Weaving Controls > Maintenance >Weaving System Options. A new flag to mark ‘started’ has also been added for a weaving job. Once any piece from a specific weaving job has been inspected, run the ‘Flag in Weaving’ process to also mark the weaving job as being at gate ‘WV’
• There are significant upgrades and new features within SALES ORDER PROCESSING, most of which improve customer service. These include:
• A pieces original length has been added to the piece allocation screen Priority Order parameters have been added to the Delivery Address and Customer Maintenance, allowing either to be flagged as a priority, improving the information flow to the warehouse
• MTM (Made To Measure) line memos can now be viewed whilst in Sales Order Entry/Amend and Purchase/Process Order. In Sales Order Entry/Amend the details can also be viewed on the F8-MTM Price screen
• Addition of Kit/Bundle functionality: A kit or bundle is a single product that can be ordered but includes multiple items. Using the Make Details maintenance to define the kit, has been introduced which allows a kit to be entered in Sales Order Entry. The individual kit/bundle items replace the kit product on the sales order and are picked individually. This will aid stock management
• A new parameter has been added to indicate whether the customer’s product code should print on the picking list. This may make it quicker and easier for a customer to check in the stock at their end
Other Important updates
• Modifications have been added to allow the DX Haulier interface to work with DX Lite. The type of item being sent and whether the weight value is an integer can now be set on the haulier record
• New functionality now allows Batch Testing and Certificate Types to be setup and their results recorded within Warehouse/Inspection/QC>Maintenance>Test Certificate Types and Warehouse/Inspection/QC>Maintenance>Test Certificates which will aid reporting and Quality Control
If you are a Mertex ERP user and would like to implement any of these upgrades, please get in touch
A number of bug fixes were also included. If you are a current Mertex ERP user, contact us to get the full list.